Being – The most important of all this is that we are going up from a plane of existence to a higher one, where arrogance, injustice, evil, struggles and sufferings that torment the being on the lower planes disappear.
The BEING is free, but the universe is a musical concert where any dissonance produces suffering.
The inferior being will continue to attack the more evolved, believing he is winning, while he misses the best opportunity to rise; and the most evolved will continue to sacrifice himself until he manages, with kindness and love, to break down the doors of selfishness and ignorance, conquering animality and making man emerge from his low plane of life.
The two extremes of BEING, System and Anti-System, continue to face each other even in our world.
For the perfect BEING, freedom can only be one: that of existing according to the order of that perfection, because without that order there can be no perfection.
All BEINGS tend to regroup, as they evolve, in collective units, in colonies, in ever more comprehensive systems.