Brazil – The historical role of Brazil in the world can only be, in our time, a role of peace.
BRAZIL, promised land of new revelation, land chosen for the first understanding, land blessed by God.
This capacity of BRAZIL to love at all levels, if developed towards the spirit, could tomorrow make Brazil the nation most capable of understanding, representing and disseminating in the world the religion of substance, which is the religion of example, of kindness and of Love.
BRAZIL is a believer and a spiritualist, whatever religion one professes.
BRAZIL is the peaceful country par excellence, which absolutely does not think of making war on anyone.
BRAZIL has an immense territory full of incalculable riches, which only await the hand of man to be valued.
BRAZIL has so much to expand internally that it does not need to cross its limits in the search for empires.
The biological type of BRAZIL is taken more to spontaneous religion, in a free expansion, of love and faith, than to a religion already rigidly codified, in which thought and feeling remain frozen in forms.