Integration of the Being


Evolution – Evolution opens to everyone, the rulers and the ruled, new horizons, prepares higher forms of life that will be understood, when man is more intelligent, and then they will be accepted, because more advantageous for everyone.

Biological EVOLUTION is complete. Spiritual evolution awaits you.

We have already reached the human realm and consider ourselves planetary. We need to reach the spiritual realm and own the spirit, ourselves.

EVOLUTION goes from the subconscious to the super-conscious, from the beast to the superman.

EVOLUTION is the great law of life, it is the irresistible law of unification.

EVOLUTION is the conquest of consciousness, autonomy, freedom, because it goes from AS (Anti System) to S (System).

EVOLUTION is a living force, present within us, exerting pressure, constraining us to climb in an obligatory way.

The spiritual EVOLUTION of humanity is divided into three great stages: Buddhism, Christianity and modern science.

Buddha lived 400 BC. and brought great revelations to mankind. Christianity was a propelling lever to make this humanity evolve, but without the contribution of science, we would not be what we are today.

EVOLUTION takes us from hell to paradise.

EVOLUTION does not retrograde, it never annihilates and defends, as the most precious thing, the products of its many efforts.

If the spirit does not retrograde, evolution cannot retrograde either.

Organic EVOLUTION is nothing but the external expression of the evolution of the spirit.

The evolution of form follows that of spirit. Just compare two civilizations and we can see that form and spirit evolved together.

Psychic EVOLUTION and morphological evolution are linked, as they constitute the same evolutionary process. One cannot be isolated from the other, because morphological evolution only represents the external expression of the evolution of the spiritual principle and builds for itself, governing it, its organism on the physical plane.

EVOLUTION comes from within, not from without. It is a spiritual impulse, ignored by the external, material environment.

EVOLUTION, which passes from the physical plane to the dynamic and the psychic, transforms the entire universe into a psyche.

The human psyche can be divided into three zones: subconscious, conscious and superconscious, which represent its three levels of EVOLUTION.

With EVOLUTION, the centre of life moves away from the material plane more and more towards the spiritual plane.

It is necessary to understand what Darwin and his materialist followers did not and could not understand, namely, that EVOLUTION is guided by a vital flow and that its substance is spiritual.

Charles Darwin lived in the mid-19th century, when science was in its infancy. Pietro Ubaldi lived a century later and science was already astonishing the world with its discoveries and modern technologies. While the evolution of the first is partial, that of the second is global.

Nothing falls from the sky for free. Both the individual and humanity all have to climb the mountain of EVOLUTION with their own legs.

On the path of EVOLUTION, the most rebellious against the Law is the most backward being; the most obedient is the most advanced being.

The future of EVOLUTION lies in mutual understanding, in the reconstruction of the broken unity, in the re-absorption and annulment of separatism, first qualities of the Anti-System, to replace them with understanding and collaboration, first qualities of the System.

The more humanity evolves, the more it discovers that evolution has no limit, it is in all segments of society and knowledge. Today fragmented, tomorrow unified.

The mineral is oriented, the plant feels, the animal perceives, the man reasons, the superman knows by intuition – this is the EVOLUTION of sensibility.

The concepts of good and evil, virtue and vice, duty and guilt, although relative and progressive, can only be conceived in terms of EVOLUTION.

Through EVOLUTION it passes from force to right, from selfishness to altruism, from war to peace.
