Morals – The modern mind is no longer passively subject to only normative and prescribed morals. It demands, instead, a free and conscious morality, above all responsible, a morality governed by its logic that justifies its norms, controllable in the values of its results.
The MORALS of the future will be more preventive than repressive; it will be more a help to raise, educating, than an oppression provoking revolt; it will deal, above all, with creating conditions of defence in favour of life, instead of attacking it.
MORALS is an instrument of evolution, as it seeks to educate man to a higher form of life.
Our task is not to make another treatise on MORALS or religion. It is not them or preaching that we lack, but their application in practical life.
The new MORAL is more evolved, adapted to a more civilized humanity, assuming that the work of overcoming the animal in man has already been largely carried out, in order to be able to dedicate himself, above all, to building the angel.
The new MORAL is precisely that of the Gospel and the novelty consists in taking it seriously, beginning to live it.
The new MORAL is not limited to the external act, but goes to the roots of our behaviour, because it does not mechanically direct man in his manifestations. It penetrates your conscience, demanding a sense of responsibility.
The worst MORAL is not to believe what is preached, not practicing it, which often happens.
Each one forges his own MORAL for himself, according to his interests and social position, he changes this morality by changing his position.
With the new MORAL, naivety is ended and it is understood that if you don’t want to suffer, you must not do evil, when done there is no salvation, you must pay for it. The true absolution is only one: payment.
Like the beast that becomes less ferocious and loses its claws as it evolves, or like evolution progressively eliminates the struggle for life, so MORALS, as it evolves, becomes less oppressive, less terroristic, less armed with toughs punishments.
Here we give the words MORAL and immoral, the broad sense of good or evil, of just or unjust, of lawful or unlawful, etc., and not the restricted sense in which they are used in common language.
Everything that leads to the S (System) is MORAL; everything that belongs to AS (Anti-System) is immoral. Everything that, by obedience to the Law, belonging to positivity, builds is moral; whatever, by disobedience to the Law, belonging to negativity, destroys is immoral.
It is necessary to achieve a biological, rational, scientific MORAL that cannot be inverted, that is based not on criminal sanctions, but on understanding and conviction, that does not suffocate, but that, instead of forcing her to rebel, encourages life to rise.
In the field of MORALS, we do not find a single and universal one, but as many morals as there are individual consciousness.
The model of the perfect MORAL is given, then, by the Law, representing the thought of God, which directs everything.