Integration of the Being


Psychism – The amoeba already has all the basic biological properties: metabolism, movement, breathing, digestion, secretion, sensitivity, reproduction and psychism.

The amoeba is a single-celled, evolving living being with form and substance, body and guiding principle.

With man, the PSYCHISM assumes a preponderant power in evolution, a power so decisive that it made him aware of the phenomenon of evolution, to the point not only of understanding it, but also of assuming the direction of it.

Man, in addition to instinct and reason, is endowed with intuition, although in the embryonic stage for the less evolved.

In the animal, the PSYCHISM, still unconscious in him to face the environment, produces, by molding the cellular matter of the physical organism, certain organs that function as instruments.

The individual psyche survives in plants, animals, and man.
