Integration of the Being


Rich – The positions of rich and poor are cyclic and everyone goes through them in turns, forced to make efforts and learn lessons, in a useful work to evolve, which represents the precious end result of this beautiful game.

Wealth and poverty are repeated and alternated throughout our evolutionary trajectory, through millennia. Everything in life is an experience to evolve.

Today the struggle between the RICH and the poor is no longer a limited class struggle, but a struggle between peoples. The problem is no longer an internal one, but a global one. He no longer respects social justice, but the maintenance of peace depends on him. This is because poor people rob rich people.

In practice, it is necessary to distinguish one RICH from the other and one poor from the other, because not all are the same.

Do not be RICH on the outside and poor on the inside, but rich on the inside and poor on the outside.

RICH people will have a duty to help poor people and poor people will have the right to be helped; they will also have the duty to make fruitful with their work the aid received so as not to become always burdensome.

If the poor know the need and concern to obtain what is necessary, the RICH feel another misery, not an economic one, but one that consists in the anxiety of being able to be overthrown at every moment, of having to put up with the lies around them and of risking decay. that leads to an unproductive life.
