Truth – The conception of an increasingly vast truth is arrived at through the unification of particular relative truths.
As we advance in knowledge, the less we feel wise, the less we will believe we have the TRUTH, the less we will present ourselves before God with the pride of the Pharisee, who believes he can judge himself and the Law. Not. The truth is not a comfortable stoppage in stabilized positions, but it is the very, exhausting and incessant ascension walk towards God.
The absolute, total, complete TRUTH escapes us. She is in God, not in man.
The TRUTH cannot be changed if looked at by this or that nation, whether looked at by one race or another, because the human soul is always the same everywhere, if examined in its depth.
The TRUTH that we would like can only be the fruit of the complete reconquest of the lost world, because it is situated at the end point of evolution, accomplished through the progress of so many relative truths.
The TRUTH can only be reached through biological maturation, which is the only thing that can lead us to understanding, because it is what opens the eyes of the soul.
Different stages of spiritual evolution correspond to different degrees of knowledge and different approaches to revealing the TRUTH.
It is not licit to violate the sacred right to think and to seek the TRUTH. It may even happen that those who are formally outside a religion are more religious and are closer to God than those who are inside, in full orthodoxy.
The fundamental objective of true science is the same as that of religions: the search for the TRUTH.
We remain with the greatest respect for all the TRUTH that man has and for the groups that represent them.
We live in a world of relative TRUTH that may seem contradictory, while being complementary. So spirit and matter are different aspects of the same principle, looked at from different points of view. These are partial visions that just need to be brought together in a broader global vision for the contradiction to disappear.