Integration of the Being

Pietro Ubaldi

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Pietro Ubaldi Biography

Pietro Ubaldi
Pietro Ubaldi

Pietro Ubaldi. This great apostle of Christ who came back to earth to bring us the last revelation and explain more about our universe, combining science, philosophy and religion in a single synthesis.

It was in the warm and mystical Umbria of historical churches and of the village of Assisi that the Universalist philosopher Pietro Ubaldi was born to console with the light tools of his mediumship of inspiration and of his martyrdom.

Pietro Ubaldi's parents
Ubaldi’s parents (Mr. Sante Ubaldi and Mrs. Lavinia Ubaldi Alleori)

He was Born in the eighth of August of 1886 in Foligno, Italy. Son of Sante Ubaldi and Lavinia Alleori.

His father was a good man from a rich Italian family, and his mother was the heiress of a countess title, a fortune and the lands which had been left by her own parents.

Pietro Ubaldi
Pietro Ubaldi in his infant

From their marriage, 6 children are born, and the second to last was, the boy Pietro.

He had a very wealthy childhood, he had everything, even a nanny to escort him around so he wouldn’t walk alone around the town streets, when he was a little boy.

Therefore, he was a child experiencing all the comfort that life provides to rich people.

And there in the region of Umbria, once more, a great apostle of the Christ was coming down to Earth, exactly in a region impregnated with the religiousness of Francis and Clare.

Since his early years, he sees the sensorial and perceptive possibilities of his physical body.

Coming from a catholic family, he used to frequent the church in his childhood. In one afternoon, during a mass, he has a psychic vision. A friendly light shone from above, and he didn’t know how. He tells about it to the priest and his parents but they don’t believe him.

Due to this insistence, the forbid him to talk about it again.

In his teenage years, his parents took him to the Italian capital, where by imposition, he studies Law at Rome University although he preferred Medicine.

All his time was filled, be it learning new languages, he was a polyglot, or be it studying piano and taking the Law course at the University of Rome.

Pietro Ubaldi
Pietro Ubaldi
Thesis defended by Pietro Ubaldi
Thesis defended by Ubaldi

Pietro Ubaldi finished his university course with doctoral thesis “Transatlantic Immigration Mainly to Brazil”, where he analyses the economic impacts and possibilities caused by the European migratory Flow. Therefore, we see deep inside the inner soul of this paranormal young man that there was a connection with Brazil. The homeland of the gospel, the heart of the world, already pulsed in this destiny.

As a reward for his graduation, his parents offer him a trip to the United States, where he stays for 6 months.

He was always involved with many things, technical, literary, artistic, like he studied many languages so he wasn’t lazy. He had all these positive qualities, which we can assume that he was very intelligent. And after that, he drastically changed and he renounced all that for a higher mission.

As a young man, Ubaldi read “the spirits’ book’, the mediums’ book and the gospel according to spiritism and he completely relates to the precepts presented in the works of the French educator and philosopher Allan Kardec.

He became aware of Kardec’s work in 1911, when he became a lawyer. He joined a group that studied the work of Kardec. That’s how he got to know Kardec’s work. Therefore, at that time, when he graduates. Well, he graduates and he dedicates himself to culture too. He didn’t just become a lawyer. He also studied Philosophy, Religion, and other similar things.

Back to Foligno, his parents have plans for the young lawyer. A man of his social position must get married. His father helps him to find a rich young lady in order to join both fortunes together. The chosen one is Maria Antonieta Solfanelli.

Pietro Ubaldi and Maria Antonieta Solfanelli
Pietro Ubaldi and Maria Antonieta Solfanelli

Maria is a rich orphan who lives in a convent. The ceremony takes place on 5th of August of 1912 in Rome. The rich couple leads a wealthy life, joining both their fortunes, which amounts to a estate with 12 ranches. It was the ideal situation for his parents. A rich young woman marrying a rich young man. His parents were very happy about their wealth.

It was a very pompous wedding. Even pope Pius X blessed. Pius X welcomed the young couple in his private study in order to bless them. Because his family was very connected to the Catholic Church and they were acquaintances of the pope.

Pietro Ubaldi had 3 sons, in 1913 Francesco is born, then Vicenzina in 1917 and finally, Agnese in 1919, the one who follows him around all his life.

Then Ubaldi went on with his life, but he wasn’t happy, because that’s not why he was born for.

Pietro Ubaldi gets involved with the management of the family’s estate… but his priorities and interests are totally different.

Tuned in with Christian principles… his souls was eager for peace and freedom. New ideas are boiling, his psychic sensitivity blooms more and more every day. Ubaldi’s discomfort reaches a point where his family decides to hire an administrator.

His parents cannot understand.. nor accept the fact he abandoned the management of the family’s estate.

Pietro Ubaldi driving a war truck
Pietro Ubaldi driving a war truck

During Wold War One. Ubaldi is drafted to military service. Initially serving as a truck driver in bologna, transporting goods and mutilated soldiers. Due to his high education and the fact he speaks many languages, he is appointed as the driver of his Italian army officials. He was an educated man, he was an intelligent man. Nothing better than being the officials’ driver.

The officials spared him from going to the front, carrying a gun. That was too small for a man of his stature.

His father, Sante Ubaldi passes away, leaving a distressed family behind. The situation gets worse with his father’s estate inventory. There was a twist, an economic and financial twist, and he donated his share. The inheritance was divided among his brothers and sisters and he donated his share to his family, because his family had nothing to do with his problems as his focused in other aspects of life.

So the preparation for his spiritual mission reaches its peak. The Franciscan ideal and Christ’s vibration impregnates his spirit. He feels a new spiritual work will soon begin.

Pietro Ubaldi’s missionary life began on the Christmas of 1931. However Ubaldi had already been writing highly inspired articles. He starts in 1927 writing ‘The Franciscan Ideals Before Modern Psychology’. It is sublime. He transfers Saint Francis’ ideals the virtues preached and lived by Saint Francis in the late 12th century and the early 13th century and bring them to 20th century.

Pietro Ubaldi - 1931
Pietro Ubaldi – 1931

That’s his debut as a religious thinker to the great public. It would senseless to get more funds, more obligations and to go back to a situation that, as far as Ubaldi was concerned, he had already overcome.

Ubaldi makes a vow of poverty and totally dedicates himself to Christ. His ideas, his vision and his inspiration get stronger. That’s when he began to work independently. He took a course in Sicily and he taught in Sicily for a year. Then, he took another course in Gubbio, then he went back to Gubbio, which was closer to where his family lived. Then, in Gubbio, he stayed for 20 years, teaching there. He taught, he wrote, he produced his works and during the summer, he would travel and meet his family in Colle Umberto, which was close some 15, 20 kilometers from Gubbio, and he went on with his life.

Life smiles at him, confirming his decision was right. Now, he makes a living out of his work, and he’s ready for the start of his spiritual mission.

When returning to Colle Umberto, walking by this road on Tenuta Santo Antonio, a perceptive ability different from this regular one, makes him feel the presence of two spiritual beings around him.

He remarked “little by little I observed with unmistakable clarity on my left, there was Francis of Assisi and on my right, there was Christ. During the night on 25th of December of 1931, it’s the beginning of a new phase in his life.

Tower in Santo Antonio

In this tower, in the family’s country house, Pietro Ubaldi, after years and years of pain of intimate preparation he receives the first of the so-called great messages. “the Christmas Message”. Ubaldi recorded the emotions he felt back then. Annihilated, I trembled. There was a new force in me. And I had to follow it. Finally, my mediumship had fully exploded. And since that day I was committed to its voice.

In the summer of 32, he started to write “The Great Synthesis”. And his mission goes on, his mission was that’s the third phase of his life. It is the full life of a missionary. So, the Pietro Ubaldi who had existed up until 1930 if we say that the year of 1931 was the year of adaptation to a new existence, he transformed to another personality, connected only with the things of the spirit.

Pietro Ubaldi writing The Great Synthesis
Pietro Ubaldi writing The Great Synthesis

Whose such overwhelming voice could that be capable of delivering such a sublime and lovely message?

Milan’s magazine ‘Ali del Pensiero’ asked him: ‘Who is that voice that anonymous entity who sends such elevated and powerful writings?’

In Brazil, the Brazilian Spiritist Federation in Rio de Janeiro, publishes, in 1932 the first psychic work by the young Francisco Candido Xavier ‘Poetry from beyond the Grave’.

Both great Christian mediums simultaneously begin to proceed with the work of their forerunners

On Easter the same year, Ubaldi receives the second of the great messages, called as: ‘The Resurrection Message’.

Following the paths which had been open by ‘The Christmas Message’. ‘The Resurrection Message’ was also reproduced in many countries.

On the 2 of August of 1932 on the Forgiveness Day of the Porziuncola, Ubaldi receives the magnificent ‘Forgiveness Message’.

Its relation to Christ himself was noted by renowned scholars. Ernesto Bozzano, when commenting the ‘Forgiveness Message’ does not hesitate to indicate to Ubaldi himself his inspiration source. ‘It’s easy to infer here that the message no less came from Jesus of Nazareth’

The following month, Ubaldi starts to think about ‘The Great Synthesis’.

His inspiration comes from what he called ‘his voice’, and among the most religious persons of the time, there was no doubt that the messages he received came from from Christ and especially the Spiritist critics and the spiritualist critics and those who were not Kardecist, they recognized that the message had been dictated by a higher entity who was no more less no less than Christ.

 But what came after that? The bishop of Foligno gave it his affidavit saying that it was a divine message, that it had come from heaven. But then when more content started coming, he didn’t got any more the bishop’s affidavit, because it started to reveal things which were too elevated for the Church to conceive them.

So the Church didn’t accept what he wrote, even though nothing was said against the Church. The Church was used to being previously consulted so it could give people its consent so it could previously control it. Ubaldi didn’t do that, and the Church punished him.

In January 1933 the publishing of ‘The Great Synthesis’ begins on Milan’s magazine ‘Ali del Pensiero’.

In april 1934 Ubaldi states on London’s ‘international Gazette’ that the entity says this work is a new revelation which aims at the foundation of the third millennium new civilization and that Brazil is the place chosen for the first disclosure of this new revelation to the world.

 On Easter of 1933, Ubaldi receives two more messages bringing from Galilee, that unmistakable voice ‘Message to the Christians’ and ‘Message to the Men of Good Will’.

The Great Synthesis
The Great Synthesis

In 1935, Ubaldi receives from the scientist Ernesto Bozzano encouraging comments about ‘The Great Synthesis’.

On the 18th of October he gets a new letter from Bozzano about ‘The Great Synthesis’. ‘An above normal wave of inspiration dictated him, the greatest, the most extraordinary and concrete psychic message of scientific and metaphysical order one has ever heard of.

We still see in some magazines, in some interviews that it is necessary to synthesize everything, otherwise science will become a quilt. It’s so much knowledge that it needs a synthesis and Ubaldi wrote ‘The Great Synthesis’ about the matter, from the atom’s infrastructure to the epitome of the psyche one can ever find, which is the expression of the art of the mysticism, and all that.

In Italy, his message on a first moment, was a message of concepts. Those concepts started with ‘The Great Synthesis’ and maybe they were not understood, because times had not matured yet.

In the summer of 1936 Pietro Ubaldi writes the book ‘The Nours’. In that book, a strong treaty about mediumship. Ubaldi utilizes many contributions from Kardes’c Codification, quoting and commenting ‘The Mediums Book’ in many passages. Ubaldi’s longtime admiration for the book of the Spiritis Codficication becomes clearer than ever.

In 1938, The Brazilian Spiritis Federation publishes the book ‘Brazil – Heart of the World, Homeland of the Gospel’ dictated by the spirit of Humberto Campos through the Christian Spiritis medium Chico Xavier. In it there’s a prophecy foreseeing Ubaldi’s visit to Brazil which would only happen 17 years later. ‘New ideas inspired by Umbria would come to found the soft refuge of Christian mercy’.

Another book is published by Ubaldi in 1937: ‘Mystic Ascension’. The Catholic Church doesn’t understand the magnitude of Pietro Ubaldi’s writing and in 1939 the same Holy Office founded in the Middle Ages lists on the ‘Index Proibitorium’ ‘The Great Synthesis’ and ‘Mystic Rising’.

He thought the Church was going to recognize it. He offered it with love, with sacrifice, and also respecting the vibration of the currents of the Christian thoughts that guided his book. It was like they stuck a knife on his chest. But he always respected the Church, just like he respected every other religion. Spiritism, Islamism, Buddhism, Ubaldi respected all of them, because in reality, all of them had come from God.

In 1942, during World War 2 his son Francesco dies during the battle of Tobruk, in North Africa. The illustration in ‘Mystic Rising’, he was the author.

Francesco in Second World War
Francesco in Second World War

Among the Brazilian intellectual circles, the admiration for Pietro Ubaldi’s work and thought is growing. The writer Monteiro Lobato is delighted by the deepness and the sublimity of ‘The Great Synthesis’.

During World War 2, the family’s entire estate was sold or mortgaged by the administrator they had hired. Even Tenuta Santo Antonio, where Pietro Ubaldi received ‘The Great Synthesis’, was taken away by creditors.

His daughter Agnese gets married and has two daughters. Maria Adelaide and Maria Antonieta.

Now, with a larger Family, they had bigger financial problems. Agnese who had recently separated from her husband, searches for work. Professor Pietro Ubaldi contributes as much as he can.

The Brazilian researcher and scholar Canuto Abreu visits Pietro Ubaldi in Umbria to talk about the acceptance of his work by the Brazilian people.

In 1948, Ubaldi finishes another book. ‘Problems of the Future’, which goes back to some of the most critical issues in modern science. The time-space continuum, curved space and its expansion, the evolution of dimensions, and finally, the relationship between science and God.

In Brazil, admirers of Ubaldi’s works found the Pietro Ubaldi’s Friends Association, led by professor Clovis Tavares, from the Jesus Christ School, in Campos, in the state of Rio de Janeiro. The Association’s goal is to divulge the work of Umbria’s apostle. He saw Brazil as the homeland of the Gospel.

Pietro Ubaldi and friends in Brazil
Pietro Ubaldi and friends in Brazil

Pietro Ubaldi finishes, in 1949 the book ‘Human Ascensions’ in which he comments the post-war world, the construction of the new spirit civilization, and he also foresees the phenomenon we now call ‘globalization’.

In 1950 Pietro Ubaldi’s Friends Association receives memberships from many other states and it becomes Pietro Ubaldi’s Brazilian Friends Association. All of sudden, the association gained such a dimension attracting many supporters from all over Brazil

In 1951, the group’s goal was to bring Ubaldi to Brazil for a series of conferences. When he became aware of such movement. Ubaldi sent a ‘Message to my Brazilian Friends’ – ‘From my historical Italy from an Europe which is worn out by so many wars I sent you my first greetings, my dear Brazilian friends. Because, in 1951 I will be with you, from July through October.’

In 1951, Pietro Ubaldi concludes the first phase of his work, the Italian phase, formed by 10 books, including the wonderful ‘God and the Universe’.

Before leaving for Brazil, Ubaldi sends to the Brazilian people his second message. ‘Lately, I’ve read for the first time the beautiful ‘Brazil, Heart of the World, Homeland of the Gospel’ which has impressed me for perfectly matching my ideal and my mission. It was written in 1938 and it corroborates everything I’ve said in an interview in February 1934, That happened 17 years ago and I didn’t know anything about Brazil back then. How could’ve I Known that?

Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein

In 1951, Ubaldi receives a letter from Albert Einstein with comments about ‘The Great Synthesis’. ‘Dear professor Mr. Nalchi was very kind to bring me your book and your letter. I studied part of it, and I admired the strength in your language and the vastness of the issues you talked about. To my old brain, trained in rationality it all seems very strange to me but also pleasant.’

In 21st of July, 1951, Ubaldi finally arrives in Brazil and he receives a warm welcome at the Galeao Airport, Rio de Janeiro, by a legion of admirers. He rests at the Serrador hotel and on the following days, he goes to campos, in the state of rio. There, he stays at this humble house an annex to the Jesus Christ School.

The prophecy of the spirit Humberto de Campos, in ‘Brazil, heart of the world homeland of the gospel’ psychographed by Chico Xavier, published 17 years earlier was correct: ‘new prophets were coming from far-away Umbria’.

Pietro Ubaldi's warm reception 24 of July of 1951
Pietro Ubaldi’s warm reception 24 of July of 1951

One week later, Pietro Ubaldi and his loyal friend and interpreter Clovis Tavares leave Campos and start a cycle of 80 conferences, in brail’s main capitals and cities across the country. The topics were the Christ’s gospel, reincarnation science and the post-war world.

On July 30, in Rio de Janeiro Pietro Ubaldi, the universalist Christian visits the main quarters of the Brazilian Spirits Federation the main institution of the spirits Christianity in brazil. The vastness of the Brazilian Spiritis movement impress Ubaldi. On that same day, Ubaldi and his entourage were welcomed at the Palacio do Catete by the sitting president, Getulio Vargas.

In august 17th, Ubaldi goes to Pedro Leopoldo, Minas Gerais to visit the spirits medium Chico Xavier. The researcher and scholar Cesar Burnier records the meeting. It was the eve of Ubaldi’s 65th birthday.

Was a wonderful meeting one no one has seen between two elevated souls. It was scheduled that, by nightfall they would all be together he and his entourage. In all, 12 people was present, it was also schedule that they would have a medium meeting. That is, 12 people would sit at a table, five people on each side, one person at each head of the table. And they started to write a message, which arrived at the right time. And the other one immediately started to write another message. Both of them started to write at the same time two long messages. We can read in Pietro Ubaldi’s biography, one of them called by ‘the message of Your Voice’ and the other one was ‘message by saint Francis of Assis’ the latter through Chico Xavier, and the first through Pietro Ubaldi.

Modelo farm in Minas Gerais 17/08/1951
Modelo farm in Minas Gerais 17/08/1951

Chico Xavier surprises his illustrious visitor talking about Ubaldi’s late relatives who were also participating in that meeting. The medium Chico Xavier states that he was approached by a spirit called Lavinia, who had been Ubaldi’s mother. She lovingly hugged her son and said: ‘To Christ, he’s an apostle, to me, he will always be my bambino’ and among such caring words, she called him: ‘mio garofanino’.

Chico went on to mention the presence of the professor’s son, killed during the battle of Tobruk in the north of Africa. The young Francesco Ubaldi.

Professor Ubaldi, happy and touched also felt the presence of his mother, and he corroborated it all saying that that was the nickname his dear mother had tenderly given him when he was a little boy. ‘Mio garofanino’ or my little carnation’

Another interesting fact was that Chico Xavier noticed the presence of a sister of Pietro Ubaldi’s who had come with Lavinia, his mother and with Franco, his son. She said her name was Maria. Something doubtful and unseen comes up, but later it became an extraordinary evidence. The professor humbly declares that, in fact, he has a sister called Maria, but she’s still alive, in Italy, Maria Ubaldi Papparelli. An upsetting and almost shocking moment takes place. The spirit of Maria explains to the professor, through Chico Xavier, confirming she was his sister too but she had died a long time ago, when Pietro Ubaldi wasn’t born yet. Then the baffled professor confesses that only now after this spiritual elucidation he remembers that in fact he had a sister who hadn’t actually met and who was called Maria.

Pietro Ubaldi fell in love with the Brazilian Spiritists and the spiritists fell in love with him. On his last conference at Sao Paulo’s spiristis federantion Pietro Ubaldi tells his listeners details of his encounter with the work of the French educator and philoshopher Allan Kardec: ‘the first conception that came to my mind about reincarnation happened a long time ago, I was almost 26 years old and I lived in complete doubt, because I had been deeply scarred by pain and I couldn’t figure out its causes. By the works of providence, ‘The Spirits’ Book’, by Allan Kardec, fall into my hands and to, I owe my early guidance, and the ultimate solution for the most complex problem, which was of higher interest to me, considering my human being condition.’

Pietro Ubaldi
Pietro Ubaldi

The visit of Pietro Ubaldi to Brazil was an integrant part of his life on Earth of his coming to Earth, as a missionary of Christ. Why? Because Brazil was a place which was prepared to embrace his message. He didn’t expect such a big acceptance in brazil because he had no acceptance whatsoever in Italy. Pietro Ubaldi’s marathon in brazil ends in November 1951, with an invitation to move to brazil. After all, in 1952 he would be retired from his English teacher job, his family had no patrimony left, they were poor. In brazil, he could lead a dignified life with his pension, and the copyrights he was paid for his books. The apostle from Umbria cherished the idea with love. He still had in him the loving memories from his visit to Brazil. Now he knew how fertile the Brazilian souls was, for the spiritual sowing.

His Voice brings him the so needed guidance: ‘Prepare yourself. You will travel with your entire family by the end of this year. You will spend the next Christmas in brazil’

The presidential candidate and former governor Adhemar de Barros sponsored his coming with his family, so they could live in Brazil.

On December 8th, after 12 days of traveling, they arrive in Santos. The Ubaldi family is welcomed by a group of friends and admirers. They stepped on Brazilian soil, Ubaldi, his wife Maria Antonieta, his daughter Agnese, and his two young granddaughters, Maria Antonieta and Maria Adelaide.

Harbour of Gênova. Steamship Augustus
Harbour of Gênova. Steamship Augustus

Ubaldi would never leave brazil again. The family settles in a building in Sao Vicente, Sao Paulo.

Iguaçu building, São Vicente (São Paulo)
Iguaçu building, São Vicente (São Paulo)

Poor Ubaldi, little did he know that this initial rest would be very important in order to face the embarrassments that laid ahead. He had come to Brazil imbued with the best intentions. He felt in the Brazilian people and all the potential to receive his work and understand the depth of its spiritual meaning.

The acceptance in 1951 was very warm. His readers and the audiences of his talks, proved to be eager for enlightenment and clarification. Ubaldi was promised that he would get what was necessary, to support his family and the continuing of his work. They would arrange everything so that his work wouldn’t suffer. The promised money never came. The little money Ubaldi gets from copyrights for the sale of his books is not enough for the family to survive.

Pietro Ubaldi
Pietro Ubaldi

All of a sudden that 68 year-old man responsible for his sick wife, his daughter and his two granddaughter who lives off his teacher’s retirement pension who barely speaks Portuguese and who still feels like a stranger finds himself in the inglorious duty of bringing home the bacon.

Agnese, his daughter, tries to help. She learns Portuguese very fast, she starts searching for a job and for friends. The search is fruitless. Months go by, and the situation gets worse. In face of the chaos that got the family of the apostle from Umbria, the only certain thing was Christ.

Ubaldi knew that he wasn’t here in Brazil accidentally, that he had a lot to do, to produce. There was the so-called, Brazilian body of work, 14 books, still to be written. He couldn’t stop, at some point Christ would come to his aid. He should just work and wait.

In July 1954, the money he would get for copyright was suspended. The family’s hardships reach an unbearable level.

In 1955, there’s what it seemed to be the blow of mercy: Ubaldi gets a subpoena which orders him and his family to abandon the apartment they lived in. Within a few hours, he’d be thrown on the streets with his wife, his daughter and his young granddaughters.

‘In that moment, my life and my family’s life hung by a thread, my faith in Christ. We were solely defended by spiritual powers, and they won’

‘On that same day, from a very distant place without having asked for anything came the help to buy a new apartment. I mean, the exact amount necessary, no more, no less.

Even under such heavy storm, Ubaldi writes four books during that period. ‘Comments, Prophecies, Current Problems and the Great Battle.

The complement prophecies, written practically at the same time he releases ‘Current Problems’ where the main focus is the essay on reincarnation. ‘The various human groups may support whatever they want according to their interests, but reincarnation is a positive biological truth, which already belongs to science. It’s an objective fact independent from the affirmation of any school or religion. The gospel itself relates to this doctrine and without it, it would be incomprehensible in many levels.

After the storm was over, Ubaldi dedicates himself, on the first semester of 1956, to the writing of ‘The System’, his fourth book produced in Brazil. For philosophy and Theology ‘The System’ constitutes one of the most important treaties that were ever published on the face of the earth, said the giant of Brazil’s thinking and philosophy, Carlos Torres Pastorino.

Pietro Ubaldi in Londrina in 1956
Pietro Ubaldi in Londrina in 1956

His wife, Maria Antonieta goes under surgery. The hardships and the expenses get tougher. His daughter Agnese, Kokoszka and Irene and Claudio Picazio joins the Ubaldian Center for Metaphysics and they found the Monism Publishing Group, for the promotion of her father’s work, and the search for new resources for the family’s survival.

‘Monism was an idealistic group, not a commercial group. So their concern was to publish well-written books. But they didn’t have a way to sell those books to book stores and to make good promotion. So, no, there was no increase on the sales. Quite the contrary. But yes, there was a difference. Certain problems, issues were gone, but it didn’t solve anything when it came to money.

In 1958, Pietro Ubaldi finishes and publishes ‘evolution and the gospel’.

In 1959 it’s time for ‘God’s Law’.

He gets a letter from the Brazilian president, Juscelino Kubitschek, who states he’s an admirer of his works.

In 1960, at the age of 74 Pietro Ubaldi feels the weight of his physical body. But his souls lightly flies ever so high, reaching ever more surprising conceptual levels.

To celebrate, he brings ‘fall and salvation’ to light. Another one of his anthological books which this time maybe the boldest and more complete ethics treaty of all times.

On august 5th, 1961, the poet Carlos Drummond de Andrade, dedicates himself to the campaign for the nomination of Ubaldi to the Nobel prize in literature.

Pietro Ubaldi
Pietro Ubaldi

On April 30th 1963, his wife Maria Antonieta passes away. ‘To me, there was this immense void and this sadness I cannot seem to overcome.’

In October 1964 Pietro Ubaldi proposes the adoption of his works by spiritism causing visible friction between both reincarnation philosophies. Respected names from the Brazilian spirits movement, such as Edgard Armond and Herculano Pires dispute Pietro Ubaldi.

He felt as sad as he was when his books were prohibited in Rome. But he perfectly understood that it was a matter of timing, of evolution. In this world, we have those who are too accommodated who walk a horizontal line. When a new order from above, from wherever comes down on the horizontal line of the accommodated one a cross is drawn. The cross is the Calvary imposed to everyone. All those great minds who brought news to the world go through that.

The notable Christian spirits thinker Carlos Torres Pastorino author of the best seller, ‘minutes of wisdom’ said: ‘ some of my colleagues have asked me how can I accept Pietro Ubaldi’s theory, when I am a spirits who follows Allan Kardec? I confess I see no contradiction between both theories. For those who only read Kadec’s words, superficially, Ubaldi’s theory may seem heretic. But for those who read the master penetrating the small print of the spirits’ answers so wise and profound, nothing would seem contradictory’.

Pietro Ubaldi between Cláudio Picazio and Manuel Emygdio in 1965
Pietro Ubaldi between Cláudio Picazio and Manuel Emygdio in 1965

In that same year Ubaldi writes ‘A Destiny Following Christ’. Soon after, he focus on writing ‘The Fall of The Ideals’ a book in which he particularly analyses the religious phenomenon. Touching topics such as the development of Christianity, Christianity and communism and the psychoanalysis of religions.

In December, the Nobel prize in literature is given to Jean-Paul Sartre a French philosopher who was exponent for existentialism.

The person who nominated Ubaldi for the Nobel prize was Dr. Manuel Emygdio da Silva with much excitement. He thought he should launch Ubaldi. It was a tough competition with Jean-Paul Sartre. In the end, victory was given to Jean-Paul Sartre.

In march 1966, Manuel Emygdio and Jose Bonifcacio Alexandre honour Pietro Ubaldi with a conference in Brasilia to promote his works. The apostle of Christ symbolically offers his body of work to Brazil and to peoples of Latin America.

Around 1 thousand people in the conference in 1966
Around 1 thousand people in the conference in 1966

The next year, he finishes writing ‘A Destiny Following Christ’. And he reviews his entire body of work, linking it to a historical moment of the 20th century;

I think he gave us some aspects that Spiritism won’t explain in detail such as the law of God. If we read the book ‘God’s Law’ wee see spiritism there explained with such didactics with such clarity, that anyone can understand. How does divine providence work? He explains it, he inserts it into a logical plan into exactly what Kardec says in a more synthetic way. Nothing professor Ubaldi says goes against spiritism.

His presence touched people to the verge of tears. Very few people wouldn’t feel touched by his speech. He was a humble man a detached man and he had incredible respect for Allan Kardec and for Chico Xavier.

‘The Great Synthesis` is based on evolution, on reincarnation which he calls palingenesis and also on the existence of God of a creator, a keeper of the universe.

‘God and the universe the book which practically closes his Italian body of work, and which was intuitively channelled in late 1950, early 1951. He says on the preface that he had pneumonia for 30 days. We know there were no antibiotics available or commercially available. He had the pneumonia for 30 days during that winter and he had very high fevers during those 30 days so he wrote ‘God and The Universe’. It was a book written in 30 days. So we believe that it was a capture, a channelling a very conscious one, in which he realized those messages were beyond our common perception.

Ubaldi was certainly very intelligent, but I think he was an ethical man who vibrated in harmony with the universe through nature, through music with his inner self, which vibrated with the symphony of the universe. He was, therefore, a man of great intuition of great availability. A man who put his mind and his intelligence at the service of the truth.

Pietro Ubaldi playing piano in 1961
Pietro Ubaldi playing piano in 1961

He would go to his room, he wouldn’t bother anyone, he’d put on the music he loved, Beethoven, Chopin, Liszt and with this musical magnetism, he’d isolated himself and his awareness would bloom for him to tune in with his train of thoughts. He never individualize the strength of his train of thought

In the lasts years of his life, he progressively feels his body getting weaker, but on the other hand he reaches even higher plateaus of psychic lucidity.

In 1969 Ubaldi cannot type any longer. He records his books on tape and Agnese types them, under her father surveillance. The time necessary to write his books doubles. It’s under this new work regimen that Ubaldi physically weaker and spiritually lucid enters his final days.

Pietro Ubaldi 1970
Pietro Ubaldi 1970

On Christmas of 1971, Pietro ubaldi finishes recording the last words for the book ‘christ’, the time for his freedom comes near. The loyal servant is ready. Christ is the last one of a series of 24 books. It is one of the most intriguing and challenging texts in the work of Umbria’s apostle because it’s central theme is the character of Christ shown here as our brother in pain and in evolution. ‘such book will come whenever I’m closer to death, in order to notice Christ, your body has to be smaller. And the more it happens, as old age comes, the more I realize the vision of Christ is getting closer, and it gets clearer every day.

His friend Claudio Picazio reports the events on February 29th, 1972 on room number 5 of hospital São Jose, in São Vicente. The events happening to the greatest living thinker of the 20th century. On February 28th, I arrived at the hospital at 22:45, Ubaldi, semi-conscious, breathed o the rhythm of his heartbeats, science had done its job, now, only God’s will was left. At 20 minutes of the 29th he moved, he supported his body weight on his arms, with energy and he almost sat on his bed as if expecting for an order, he outlined a slight tranquillity smile and fell into his final crisis. It was 0:30 of the 29th.

His burial happened as he had foreseen in ‘the history of a man’ almost 40 years earlier. He was buried with simplicity and poverty. If few people had bothered with him during his life, no one bothered with him during his death

He died at the age of 86 years old, just like he had foreseen in his book, ‘Prophecies’.

Pietro Ubaldi's grave
Pietro Ubaldi’s grave
Christ embroidered by Mrs. Alexandra
Christ embroidered by Mrs. Alexandra

Text copied from the documentary of Pietro Ubaldi’s life available on Youtube: